...juice from one lemon (if you don't have a lemon on hand, don't go buy one. 2 1/2 T will substitute quite nicely)
...1/2 t. cinnamon
...1 t. vanilla
...1 T. brown sugar
...1/4 c. water
Place apples in crockpot. Add in remaining ingredients and stir to coat all apples. Turn crockpot on low for 6 hours. After four hours, mash apples with potato masher until desired consistency.
When I make this, I usually do a double batch. My crockpot can hold a double batch just perfectly...and it will freeze into about 3-4 pints. I don't buy applesauce at the store anymore. Unless it's for baking. This is more of a eating applesauce than it is a baking one. Besides, why would you want to waste this deliciousness in a baked good. It deserves all the attention to itself!
To see other delicious recipes (and some super cute July 4 picnic ideas!) check out Tasty Tuesday over at Balancing Beauty and Bedlam!